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Previous Awards

The papers receiving these awards were selected from a set of outstanding papers, based on the quantitative and qualitative classifications as well as comments provided by the program committee reviewers, their final classification as full paper and their oral presentation at the conference.

2017 | 2016


Best Paper Award

Area: Complexity in Biology and Biomedical Engineering
A Network of Networks to Reproduce the Electrical Features of an Aptamer-ligand Complex - What an Electrical Network Tells about Affinity
Eleonora Alfinito, Rosella Cataldo and Lino Reggiani

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Complexity in Informatics, Automation and Networking
Security Against Collective Attacks of a Modified BB84 QKD Protocol with Information only in One Basis
Michel Boyer, Rotem Liss and Tal Mor


Best Paper Award

Area: Complexity in Informatics, Automation and Networking
Inferring Causality from Noisy Time Series Data - A Test of Convergent Cross-Mapping
Dan Mønster, Riccardo Fusaroli, Kristian Tylén, Andreas Roepstorff and Jacob F. Sherson

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Complexity in Informatics, Automation and Networking
A Data-Aware MultiWorkflow Cluster Scheduler
César Acevedo, Porfidio Hernandez, Antonio Espinosa and Víctor Méndez
