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COMPLEXIS 2017 will be held in conjunction with IoTBDS 2017, CLOSER 2017, SMARTGREENS 2017, VEHITS 2017 and WEBIST 2017.
Registration to COMPLEXIS allows free access to the IoTBDS, CLOSER, SMARTGREENS, VEHITS and WEBIST conferences (as a non-speaker).

COMPLEXIS – the International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk, aims at becoming a yearly meeting place for presenting and discussing innovative views on all aspects of Complex Information Systems, in different areas such as Informatics, Telecommunications, Computational Intelligence, Biology, Biomedical Engineering and Social Sciences. Information is pervasive in many areas of human activity – perhaps all – and complexity is a characteristic of current Exabyte-sized, highly connected and hyper dimensional, information systems. COMPLEXIS 2017 is expected to provide an overview of the state of the art as well as upcoming trends, and to promote discussion about the potential of new methodologies, technologies and application areas of complex information systems, in the academic and corporate world.

Conference Chair

Victor ChangAston Business School, Aston University, United Kingdom


Víctor Méndez MuñozIUL, S.A. & Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB, Spain
Farshad FirouziIMEC/Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Germany
Dan MønsterAarhus University, Denmark

Keynote Speakers

Francisco HerreraUniversity of Granada, Spain
Emil VassevLero - The Irish Software Research Centre, UL, Limerick, Ireland

Invited Speaker

Roy CecilIBM Portugal, Portugal


All papers presented at the conference venue
will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library

Authors of best papers will be invited to submit
extended versions (at least 30% of new content)
of their work to be appreciated for publication
in a Fast Track submission process of the Elsevier
Applied Soft Computing (ASOC) Journal

A short list of papers presented at the conference
venue will be selected for publication of extended
and revised versions in a special issue of
Open Journal of Big Data (OJBD)

A short list of papers presented at the conference
venue will be selected for publication of extended and
revised versions in a special issue of International
Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence

A short list of papers presented at the conference
venue will be selected for publication of extended
and revised versions in a special issue of Future
Generation Computer Systems Journal

One of papers presented at the conference venue
will be selected for publication of extended and
revised versions in a special issue of International
Journal on Multi-Sensor, Multi-Source Information
Fusion (INFFUS)


Technically Co-sponsored by:


In Cooperation with:


Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by:
